The Problem: An inherited property with an old service station changed an initial blessing to an ultimate problem following the discovery of gasoline contamination. The heir ran out of money over the years due to excessive monitoring and slow investigation progress. The work stopped. The case became inactive. It was out of compliance and was flagged for agency enforcement.
Our Solution: We offered complimentary services to the heir. After studying the agency case files. we found an error by the previous consultant. The consultant’s reports’ figures were limited to the subject property’s boundaries. They excluded the adjacent neighboring property, with a closed case of gasoline impact. The previous consultant’s under-reporting error enabled an unnecessary re-investigation of this closed case. Our team prepared a comprehensive report with both properties and updated the gasoline impact’s lateral extent to prove our opinion for case closure.
The Benefit: The agency granted case closure, and terminated the investigation. The heir benefited from the financial relief. The property changed from being a liability to an asset. The heir later refunded our costs.